APA Style

APA Style page - How to format it according to all rules

Students call the essay formatting the most difficult part of any learning process. They use more time to learn what is APA style and how to write APA style, rather than researching a particular article or a chapter to use it. The principle of each style of quotation is the same: it is all about how to insert citations and develop bibliographies using a list of sources that are used throughout the paper. However, each format has its nuances. This time we will talk about APA style format and how to reference an APA style paper.

The use of the APA style is obvious: as drafted by the American Psychological Association, it is most often applied to humanitarian disciplines, medicine and liberal arts.

You may encounter the APA writing style not only in the academic essays. Any publication or study carried out in the above-mentioned areas is usually written in accordance with the rules of the American Psychological Association. The first time you meet the need to format your APA style essay will be your first year in college. High school students rarely use this formatting style because the AAP requires a higher level of record than MLA, for example.

It may take too long to read the entire APA style guide, so we have reduced the information to this article. This article briefly explains how to correctly add quotes to text and to create a bibliography (a.k.a. The References page in APA), as well as reference specific sections like APA introduction and APA cover page. We tell you what resources to use to format your work. Try to minimize the distortion in your language, avoid plagiarism (copyrighted text without valid quotes) and select only high quality resources.

P.S. Use the tutorial/guide, known as the American Psychological Association Handbook 8.

APA guidelines

The writing of the elements of the style and the general structure

First, each publication written in accordance with all the principles set out by the APA format cover page should begin with a cover page. The following APA essay format appears on the first page to determine your work:

  • The full title of your topic;
  • Your first name and last name;
  • Educational institution (school, college or university name).

The APA title page format requires that the header be placed twice: in the header of the page called Work head and at the bottom of the first page.

When creating an APA format template, be careful with the fields (1 inch from all sides), the font (Times New Roman 12 pt. is preferred, page numbers, and other small details. The title should appear on each page, but less than the word “Head words”.

The second essential of any well-formatted APA research paper is abstract. The APA essay format requires that all studies include a summary of 150 to 200 words in the text. It contains only one paragraph, written in the APA outline style. A good example of a résumé might help if you do not know what is APA format. Another way to get help about the length of this section is to contact your instructor or just google APA format example. Finally, one can find examples for APA format paper in section 2.04 Manual (American Psychological Association [ APA], 2010). Many useful information about APA paper format example can be found in this guide. The APA format essay abstract should consult your readers on the content to enable them to decide whether they want to read your APA formatting paper. It’s important to summarize each paragraph of your APA formatting paper. This is what the APA research paper format calls for.

After you finish the abstract, move it to the introduction and other parts by holding the selected spelling style.

APA format

The body of the paper and link page format

After the abstract APA format is finished, you can move on to the body. All parts, with the exception of author’s opinion, should be referenced. Each time you add a quote, direct or indirect, specify the author, date (year of publication), and page number where the citation was sourced (if available). Place this source information in parentheses. This way you must refer to the APA style.

Place all the sources that you use on a separate page at the end to make a page of APA-style links faster at the end. This information is needed to show where you used to find the relevant quotes, join the authors, and share the sources with your readers. They might want to check them later. In fact, the authors are doing research before writing an essay or an APA-style study.

We will only consult you on the bibliography page, but you will be able to do the research yourself.

  • The author’s last name and initials;
  • Publication year;
  • The name of the article, the book, the newspaper, or any other source that you used;
  • Information, such as version, edition, release number, number, and so on;
  • Publisher and publisher location (town/city and state);
  • Type the page number, if known.

We included a few examples of APA-style links to help you:

National Association of Social Workers. (2000)

Schilling, R., Morrish, J., and Liu, G. (2008).

Are the academic pages of your APA-style essays? You can access or just refer to electronic writers.